Wednesday, November 30, 2005


TrueCrypt - Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption Software for Windows XP/2000 and Linux

TrueCrypt - Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption Software for Windows XP/2000 and Linux: "Free open-source disk encryption software for Windows XP/2000/2003 and Linux
Main Features:

* It can create a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mount it as a real disk.

* It can encrypt an entire hard disk partition or a device, such as USB memory stick, floppy disk, etc.

* Provides two levels of plausible deniability, in case an adversary forces you to reveal the password:

1) Hidden volume (more information may be found here).

2) No TrueCrypt volume can be identified (TrueCrypt volumes cannot be distinguished from random data).

* Encryption algorithms: AES-256, Blowfish (448-bit key), CAST5, Serpent (256-bit key), Triple DES, and Twofish (256-bit key). Mode of operation: LRW (CBC supported as legacy).

* Based on Encryption for the Masses (E4M) 2.02a, which was conceived in 1997.

Further information regarding the features of the software may be found in the documentation."

Monday, November 28, 2005


CloverETL - Java based data transformations

CloverETL - Java based data transformations: "What is Clover.ETL

Clover.ETL is a Java based ETL framework which can be used to transform structured data. While using JAVA technology it allows for platform independence. It can be used standalone - as an application run from command line or can be embedded into Your application. Clover.ETL is released under LGPL License.

Clover.ETL is used by many individual developers and several companies, which embeds it into their solutions."


Roller: free and open source Java blog software

Roller: free and open source Java blog software: "Nov 24, 2005: Roller 2.0 is available for download
[Roller] Permalink

Roller 2.0 is now available on Roller's Java.Net download space. Roller 2.0 is a major release that includes:"

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Netx - An open-source JNLP client

Netx - An open-source JNLP client

Netx downloads code over the network, caches it, and runs it in a secure environment. Netx runs Java applications and applets using Sun's Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP) to describe what resources to download and how to execute the code. It can be used as a command-line JNLP client, as a library in other programs, or as the launcher for the Java Start Button.

Features of netx:

* Small Size: Loads from a ~130K JAR file.
* Saves Memory: API to run apps in a shared JVM.
* Auto-Update: No special code needed to auto-update.
* Security: Run code in a sandbox or log its activities.
* No Browser: Runs apps and applets without a browser.
* Fast startup: Runs code from a cache for fast starting.
* Open Source: Currently distributed under the GPL (next release as LGPL).
* Web Based: No installers needed to deploy an app.


Poseidon for UML - by Gentleware, just model: quick start

Poseidon for UML - by Gentleware, just model: quick start

Installation of the Community Edition

There are 3 alternative ways to install the Community Edition:
First alternative: Windows, Linux or Mac OS X installer

* Download the installer from our download area.
* Start the installer and follow its instructions.

Second alternative: ZIP archive

* Download the zip file from our download area.
* Save it to the folder where you want to install Poseidon.
* Run the command unzip (or use an appropriate unzip-program).
* To start Poseidon, run PoseidonForUML_CE_3_0_1/bin/poseidon.bat (under Windows) or PoseidonForUML_CE_3_0_1/bin/ (under Unixes).

Third alternative: WebStart

* Get Java WebStart, install it, and check that your browser has the correct entry for the file type 'Java WebStart', MIME-type 'application/x-java-jnlp-file'. The launched program should be '/javaws %u'.
* Launch Poseidon with WebStart.
* If Webstart gives you the error message: 'Wrong certificate used to sign resource', please see the FAQ entry 'Webstart stops with the error ...'.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


J A L O P Y - Jalopy the source code formatting tool

J A L O P Y - Jalopy the source code formatting tool: "The source code beautifier originally built by Marco Hunsicker and enhanced for Java 5 by Steve Heyns.

This version is NOT the same as the version at TRIEMAX. For information about the commercial version click here

An updated manual will (hopefully) be available soon

Please refer to this documentfor a complete list of features."


Jacobe - Java Code Beautifier

Jacobe - Java Code Beautifier
Jacobe is a configurable code beautifier for the JavaTM programming language (edition 1.5). It is possible to let Jacobe print your Java code according to the widely used layout rules of Sun Microsystems or customize it to your own standards.

Jacobe 7.3.0 is ready for download. Please select the appropriate platform.

* Jacobe for Linux (free)

* Jacobe for Solaris (commercial, USD $50 site license)

* Jacobe for Windows (free)

Monday, November 21, 2005


Kapitel 1. Einf�hrung in Samba

Kapitel 1. Einf�hrung in Samba



SMB: Akronym für „Server Message Block“. Dies ist das Datei- und Druckerfreigabe-Protokoll von Microsoft.

CIFS: Akronym für „Common Internet File System“. Um 1996 entschied Microsoft, dass SMB das Wort „Internet“ im Namen bräuchte, und änderte den Namen in CIFS.

Direct-Hosted: Eine Methode, Datei/Drucker-Freigabedienste über Port 445/tcp zur Verfügung zu stellen. Hierbei wurde nur DNS statt WINS zur Auflösung der Namen in IP-Adressen benutzt.

IPC: Akronym für „Inter-Process Communication“. Eine Methode, spezielle Informationen unter Programmen zu verbreiten.

Marshalling: Eine Methode zur sequenziellen Sortierung von variablen Daten, passend zur Übertragung über eine Netzwerkverbindung bzw. Speicherung in eine Datei. Die Quelldateien können durch einen ähnlichen Prozess namens Unmarshalling wiederhergestellt werden.

NetBIOS: Akronym für „Network Basic Input/Output System“. Dies ist kein Protokoll; es ist eine Möglichkeit der Kommunikation über ein anderes Protokoll. Dies ist ein Standard, der ursprünglich 1983 von IBM entwickelt wurde. Um die Analogie ein wenig zu übertreiben, könnte man NetBIOS mit dem BIOS Ihres Rechners vergleichen. Ihr BIOS kontrolliert die Ein-/Ausgabe der Hardware Ihres Rechners, und NetBIOS kontrolliert die Ein-/Ausgaben über das Netzwerk. Nochmals: Dies ist eine kleine Übertreibung, sollte aber helfen, dieses Paradigma verständlich zu machen. Was wichtig ist, ist die Tatsache, dass NetBIOS kein Protokoll, sondern ein Übermittlungsstandard ist. Leider tendieren auch technisch versierte Leute dazu, ohne viel darüber nachzudenken, NetBIOS mit NetBEUI zu verwechseln.

NetBEUI: Akronym für das „NetBIOS Extended User Interface“. NetBEUI ist nicht mit NetBIOS vergleichbar. Es ist ein Protokoll, kein Standard. Es ist auch kein routingfähiges Protokoll, was wiederum heißt, dass es nicht von einer Seite eines Routers auf die andere gelangt. Es ist nicht notwendig, NetBEUI zu verstehen, um SMB zu entziffern; es hilft zu verstehen, dass NetBEUI nicht das Gleiche wie NetBIOS ist, um Ihre Beliebtheit auf Parties zu erhöhen. Auf NetBEUI wurde ursprünglich von Microsoft als „NBF“ oder „Der Windows NT NetBEUI Frame Protocol Treiber“ verwiesen. Heutzutage hört man nicht mehr viel davon.

NBT: Akronym für „NetBIOS über TCP“ auch bekannt als „NetBT“. Erlaubt die Benutzung von NetBIOS-Verkehr im TCP/IP. Im Endeffekt werden NetBIOS-Namen zu IP-Adressen umgewandelt und NetBIOS-Namenstypen sind im Grunde genommen mit TCP/IP-Ports vergleichbar. So werden in Windows 95/98/ME die Datei- und Druckerfreigaben verwirklicht. Traditionell sind sie an drei Ports gebunden: NetBIOS Name Service (nbname) über UDP Port 137, NetBIOS Datagram Service (nbdatagram) über UDP Port 138 und der NetBIOS Session Service (nbsession) über TCP Port 139. Jegliche Namensauflösung wird über WINS erledigt, NetBIOS-Broadcasts (Anm. des Übersetzers: Broadcasts sind Netzwerkaufrufe an alle anderen Stationen im Umkreis) und DNS. NetBIOS über TCP wird im RFC 1001 (Konzepte und Methoden) und RFC 1002 (Detaillierte Spezifikationen) beschrieben.

W2K: Akronym für Windows 2000 Professional oder Server

W3K: Akronym für Windows 2003 Server

Wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an die Samba-Mailing-Liste (erreichbar über

Sunday, November 20, 2005


A Cryptography Tutorial and Introduction. Encryption, Decryption and Key Management

A Cryptography Tutorial and Introduction. Encryption, Decryption and Key Management: "Cryptography is often seen as a 'black art': something OTHERS understand but YOU need. This of course need not the the case at all. Yes, there are some complex concepts to embrace, but basic understanding need not be a trial.

This web site is designed to help you understand the basics of cryptography, presenting the main ideas in simple language. It also provides access to a series of resources to help you apply, and implement, cryptographic solutions.

It will hopefully prove to be invaluable to all who use it - both beginners and seasoned professionals."

Thursday, November 17, 2005


JPivot - Home

JPivot - Home: "JPivot is a JSP custom tag library that renders an OLAP table and let users perform typical OLAP navigations like slice and dice, drill down and roll up. It uses Mondrian as its OLAP Server. JPivot also supports XMLA datasource access."





The Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) language is used to manipulate multidimensional information in Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services. MDX is defined in the OLAP extensions in OLE DB.

Similar to SQL in many respects, MDX provides a rich and powerful syntax for the retrieval and manipulation of multidimensional data, such as the data stored in cubes on the Analysis server. Analysis Services supports MDX functions in the definitions of calculated members, as well as a full language implementation for building local cubes and querying cube data using PivotTable® Service with OLE DB and Microsoft ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO).

Additionally, MDX supports the creation and registration of user-defined functions. You can create user-defined functions to operate on multidimensional data and accept arguments and return values in the MDX syntax.

The following topics provide more information about MDX.


Pentaho - Open Source Business Intelligence - Home

Pentaho - Open Source Business Intelligence - Home: "The Pentaho BI Project provides enterprise-class reporting, analysis, dashboard, data mining and workflow capabilities that help organizations operate more efficiently and effectively. The software offers flexible deployment options that enable use as embeddable components, customized BI application solutions, and as a complete out-of-the-box, integrated BI platform."


Mondrian OLAP Server

Mondrian OLAP Server

What is Mondrian?

Mondrian is an OLAP server written in Java. It enables you to interactively analyze very large datasets stored in SQL databases without writing SQL.

It is a component of the Pentaho BI Platform.


Mutidimensional Expression Language - MDX



SUN Java Code Conventions PDF

Java Code Conventions

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


JavaPro_Vol9_Issue5.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)

JavaPro_Vol9_Issue5.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Artikel mit Pharma Abkürzungserläuterungen

abb5ca957d3.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)


GMP Navigator

GMP Navigator

GMP News 2005

20.10.2005 Verunreinigungen in Generika – neue FDA Draft Guidance for Industry
20.10.2005 Auswirkungen der neuen Gefahrstoffverordnung auf Laboratorien
20.10.2005 EG Kommission veröffentlicht den neu strukturierten EG-GMP-Leitfaden!
17.10.2005 ECA Good Practice Guide "FDA cGMP, EU GMP and ISO 9001 Matrix for a pharmaceutical Quality System - A GMP Roadmap -"
07.10.2005 Referentenentwurf der neuen Pharma- und Wirkstoffbetriebsverordnung erschienen!
07.10.2005 SOP der EMEA zu Inspektionen
06.10.2005 FDA beantragt Mitgliedschaft bei der PIC/S
06.10.2005 Laboraktivitäten im Fokus der FDA-Inspektoren
28.09.2005 Aktuelle Entwicklungen bei der FDA
26.09.2005 FDA Warning Letters an europäische Pharmafirmen nehmen wieder zu!
19.09.2005 Die aktuelle GMP-Umfrage: Werden die neuen FDA-Anforderungen bereits umgesetzt?
19.09.2005 FDA veröffentlicht CDER 2004 Report to the Nation
15.09.2005 Revision des EMEA-Inspektionsleitfadens
12.09.2005 Die 14. AMG-Novelle ist in Kraft!
12.09.2005 Überarbeitung des USP Chapters <1116> zu Umgebungsmonitoring
29.08.2005 Reinigungsvalidierung auf Platz 3 der Mängel bei FDA-Auslandsinspektionen
29.08.2005 Inspektionsprogramm des EDQM


EG-Verordnung zu Arzneimitteln für Kinder [PDF]

pos_eg_verordnung_am_kinder.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)

Kinder und Jugendliche haben einen Anspruch auf eine Arzneimitteltherapie,
die ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht und die sich auf Studienergebnisse
für ihre Altersgruppe stützen kann. Derzeit gibt es aber noch
zu wenige Daten für die sichere Anwendung von Arzneimitteln bei Kindern
und zu wenig kinderspezifischen Darreichungsformen. Dies gilt
insbesondere für das frühe Kindesalter und für schwere, bei Kindern
selten auftretende Krankheiten: Während lediglich rund 13 Prozent der
Verordnungen für Kinder in deutschen Arztpraxen nicht durch eine
entsprechende Zulassung für diese Altersgruppe abgedeckt sind, steigt
dieser Prozentsatz auf Kinderstationen in europäischen Krankenhäusern
auf bis zu 50 Prozent und auf Intensivstationen für Früh- und
Neugeborene für rund 65 Prozent. Die Europäische Kommission
schätzt den Anteil solcher Verordnungen auf mehr als 50 Prozent. .....


DocBook XSL Stylesheets

DocBook XSL Stylesheets: "These are XSL stylesheets for the DocBook DTD and its derivatives (Simplified DocBook, etc.). If you use them to generate PDF/print documents or Web/HTML content, consider including the button above somewhere in your documents (so that your reader will know the documents were built using DocBook).

XSL is a standard W3C stylesheet language for both print and online rendering. For more information about XSL, see the XSL page at the W3C.


XSL stylesheet distribution

XSL stylesheet documentation.



jpcap network packet capture library

jpcap network packet capture library: "jpcap -- a network packet capture library for applications written in Java.

Jpcap development is hosted at on SourceForge Logo

The jpcap distribution includes both

* A tool for real-time network traffic capture and analysis
* An API for developing packet capture applications in Java

The jpcap network capture tool performs real-time decomposition and visualization of network traffic. " - Libxml

Libxml: "Libxml

Libxml is a XML processor written by Daniel Veillard for the GNOME project... yea, that is the official statement, but he wrote it for fun, whatever he says :-). It implements a whole lot of existing standards related to markup languages and a few extras as well. Used together with its close friends libxslt, xmlsec and gdome, it forms a full-featured general-purpose toolkit for XML.

Although sometimes referred to as GNOME-XML, libxml does not depend on GNOME but rather the other way around.

This place is devoted to accomodating libxml to the oddities of the Windows operating system and provides the last-known-good binaries for the native Windows platform. The source code is not hosted on this site. Pay a visit to the libxml official home for that."

Monday, November 14, 2005


Aligning COBIT, ITIL and ISO 17799 for Business Benefit

ITIL-COBiT.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Gruntspud CVS client

Gruntspud CVS client: "Gruntspud is a graphical CVS client written in Java and licensed under the GPL. It uses the CVS client library from NetBeans as its core and supports nearly all of the commands that this library provides.

Gruntspud was conceived as a plug-in for the jEdit editor, but also runs as a standalone application.

One of the goals was to provide as much CVS control in a space that works well as both a floating and a docked window in jEdit. Two different views are provided, a tree view and a table view showing more information are provided as tabs within the hosting application and some simple filters are also provided."


java fuer abap entwickler [pdf]

sappress_java_fuer_abap_entwickler.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)


Friday, November 11, 2005 "What is Merrimack?

Merrimack Monitor is an all purpose web based monitoring application written in Java. This project is designed to provide a simple yet powerful web based monitoring solution. We hope to continue to improve and enhance the application to fit our customers needs/wants. It currently allows for the easy addition of new Tests and Alerts. This allows the application to be extended to hopefully fit any purpose.

Project Technologies Include

* Java
* Java Servlets
* Any relational JDBC compliant database

More information coming soon. Feel free to check out the subversion repo to see how we are progressing on future releases."


Concurrent Versions System - Zusammenfassung [Savannah]

Concurrent Versions System - Zusammenfassung [Savannah]: "CVS is a version control system, an important component of Source Configuration Management (SCM). Using it, you can record the history of sources files, and documents. It fills a similar role to the free software RCS, PRCS, and Aegis packages."


heise online - RSA-640 geknackt

heise online - RSA-640 geknackt: "RSA-640 geknackt

Eine Arbeitsgruppe des BSI hat die mit 20.000 US-Dollar dotierte Challenge RSA-640 mit Hilfe der Methode General Number Field Sieve (GNFS) gelöst. Die Forscher benötigten für die Zerlegung der Zahl mit 193 Dezimalstellen in ihre beiden 320 Bit langen Primfaktoren rund fünf Monate Rechenzeit auf einem Opteron-Cluster mit 80 2,2-GHz-Prozessoren, wie der Website Crypto-World zu entnehmen ist. Das Team konnte bereits im Mai dieses Jahres die Faktorisierung von RSA-200 abschließen und war ebenfalls im Dezember 2003 an der bisher größten gelösten Challenge RSA-576 beteiligt.


SECURITY - TrueCrypt - Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption Software for Windows XP/2000 and Linux

TrueCrypt - Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption Software for Windows XP/2000 and Linux: "TrueCrypt - Free Open-Source Disk Encryption Software

If you intend to host our files on your server, please instead consider linking to this page (downloads.php). It will help us prevent spreading of obsolete versions, which we believe is critical when security software is concerned. Thank you."


A CVS Book (free)

A CVS Book

The complete Open Source Development with CVS, 3rd Edition is available under the GNU General Public License: (Download single PDF)

Thanks to Jan Wolff for transforming the original PDFs from Paraglyph Press into this more useable form. Jan consolidated Paraglyph's multiple files into a single file, and remove the cutting marks from around the page edges to make it more readable.


Versionsverwaltung - SmartSVN - Pricing

SmartSVN - Pricing: "Pricing of SmartSVN

SmartSVN is available in two versions, a Foundation version and a Professional version.
SmartSVN Foundation

SmartSVN Foundation can be used free of charge (even for commercial use).
SmartSVN Professional

For companies with large number of users, we offer a special Enterprise version, which allows unlimited user count in the company.
Number of users

Price per user
1 41.00 EUR 49.00 USD
2 - 9 33.00 EUR 39.00 USD
10 - 49 27.00 EUR 32.00 USD
50 and more 21.00 EUR 25.00 USD
Unlimited user count 1600.00 EUR 1900.00 USD
Important: Customers from the European Union without a (valid) VAT-ID and from Germany
need to add additional 16% VAT."


KOSMOS - Komposite Open Source Monitoring Suite - Project Tracking

JBoss Labs: "Description
Kosmos stands for Komposite Open Source Monitoring Suite.

This is a set of JSR-168-compliant portlets backed by a server component, to track the evolution of various aspects in a software development project: version control, issue tracker, continuous integration builds and project dependencies.
It delivers an instant project state view in quasi-realtime."



JavaSVN: "JavaSVN is a pure Java Subversion client library. You would like to use JavaSVN when you need to access or modify Subversion repository from your Java application, be it a standalone program, plugin or web application. Being a pure Java program, JavaSVN doesn't need any additional configuration or native binaries to work on any OS that runs Java. On this site you will also find instructions on how to make existing programs use JavaSVN instead of native javahl bindings."


Version Control with Subversion - Free eBook [PDF]

Version Control with Subversion: "Introduction

This is the online home of Version Control with Subversion, a free book about Subversion, a new version control system designed to supplant CVS. As you may have guessed from the layout of this page, this book is published by O'Reilly Media.

This is a place to read HTML and PDF versions of the book (although you can certainly buy a copy if you'd like to). We'll do our best to keep the site up-to-date. As Subversion development continues, the product will continue to grow new features, and we plan to continue documenting those changes."

Thursday, November 10, 2005


JCP - JSRs: JAIN, Java APIs for Integrated Networks

The Java Community Process(SM) Program - JSRs: Java Specification Requests - List by Technology: "JAIN, Java APIs for Integrated Networks, is providing a set of APIs focused on emerging network protocols and architectures driven by convergence of traditional telecommunication and IP networks."


Sequoia: Cluster Database Middleware

Sequoia: Welcome to the Sequoia Project!: "What is Sequoia?
Sequoia is a transparent middleware solution for offering clustering, load balancing and failover services for any database. Sequoia is the continuation of the C-JDBC project∞. The database is distributed and replicated among several nodes and Sequoia balances the queries among these nodes. Sequoia handles node failures and provides support for checkpointing and hot recovery."


ConvertOtherFormatsToDocBook - DocBook Wiki

ConvertOtherFormatsToDocBook - DocBook Wiki

A variety of free and commercial tools exist for doing "up conversion" of non-XML formats to DocBook. The [WWW] SGML Buyer's Guide calls these types of conversion tools N-converters (short for "Non-SGML/XML source document converters").


[WWW] doclifter, converts troff documents (e.g. man pages); from [WWW] Eric Raymond

[WWW] DocBook Doclet, converts HTML and generates DocBook from Java source code

Html2DocBook, converts XHTML

[WWW] DocParse, converts HTML (commercial software)

[WWW] table.el, converts ASCII tables to CALS (DocBook) and HTML tables

[WWW] wt2db, converts plain text (Wiki text); see the Wt2Db page at this site for more info

[WWW], converts [WWW] StructuredText

[WWW] aptconvert, converts a form of "structured" plain text

[WWW] AsciiDoc, converts text documents to DocBook articles, books and man pages.

[WWW] txt2docbook, converts plain text

[WWW] GNU Texinfo, converts Texinfo documents (through use of the [WWW] makeinfo(1) tool)

[WWW] texi2db, converts Texinfo; see the Texi2Db page at this site for more info

In [WWW] is described a method for going from latex to Texinfo. Then you can use the above two tools to get a transformer from latex to Texinfo.

[WWW] Tex4ht can transform documents from latex to DocBook. The exact script for doing this is in [WWW]

[WWW] ooo2sdbk, converts OpenOffice Writer documents to SimplifiedDocbook (site in French)

[WWW] SO-to-DocBook converts StarOffice/ Writer documents to DocBook; written in Common Lisp

[WWW] MajiX, converts Microsoft Word documents to SimplifiedDocbook. No new release since 11/15/2000.

[WWW] Logictran RTF Converter, converts Microsoft Word RTF files to DocBook, XHTML, and OEB format -commercial

[WWW], converts Microsoft Word documents to XML. Comes with a XSL-File that can easily be tweaked to produce docbook - commercial

[WWW] upCast converts Microsoft Word documents to XML. There's an [WWW] XSL stylesheet (at bottom) to convert to a docbook article. It's commercial but you can get a free non-commercial license.

[WWW], W2XML v2.0 is an update to Word-to-XML Converter listed above. Comes with an XSLT to easily export Docbook-compliant XML from Word. commercial

[WWW] YAWC is a plug-in for Microsoft Word (97, 2000 and XP) that can generate XML according to any XML DTD. YAWC ships with support for the Simplified DocBook XML DTD, but any other DTD can be supported with a small amount of configuration work. Pro (commercial) and Lite (free) versions available.

[WWW] x4o is a plug-in for Microsoft Word (97, 2000 and XP) that can generate XML according to any XML DTD. Commercial.

[WWW] ROBODoc generates DocBook from documentation headers extracted from source files (these can be in C, Perl, Lisp, TclTk, C++, FORTRAN, and many other languages).

[WWW] Exegenix converts into DocBook-based XML any file that can be printed to PostScript.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


DPASHA Software Pr�fsummen Programm

Dirk Paehl - Deutsche Freeware Programme: "DPASHA unterst?tzt folgende Pr?fsummen: MD2, MD4, MD5 120bits, RIPEMD128 128bits, RIPEMD160 160bits, CRC32 32bits,CRC16 16bits, ARC-CRC 16bits, SHA1 160bits,SHA-256 256 bits, SHA-384 384 bits, SHA-512 512 bits, HAVAL128 128bits, HAVAL160 160bits, HAVAL192 192bits, HAVAL224 224bits, HAVAL256 256bits, Tiger128 128bits, Tiger160 160bits, Tiger192 192bits und GOST R 34.11-94. Freeware version. Dateien sichern vor Manipulation pr?fen. Unterst?tzt DRAG & DROP. Alle Pr?fsummen entsprechen Internationalen Standard. Unterst?tzt folgende Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Franz?sisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Simplified Chinese und Portugiesisch (Brazil)"


PGP Key Server Mail Gateway Befehle

: "Gueltige Befehle sind: Befehl Ergebnis ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HELP Sendet diesen Text (in englischer Sprache) HELP land Sendet Text fuer: (DE, EN, ES, FI, FR, HR, NO) ADD Wenn die Nachricht einen PGP Public Key oder ein Key Revocation Certificate enthaelt, wird dieses in den Key-Ring aufgenommen. INDEX [1] Ergibt eine Liste saemtlicher PGP Keys, die von dem Server verwaltet werden (-kv) INDEX keyid Ergibt eine Liste aller PGP Keys, welche die enthalten (-kv) VERBOSE INDEX [1] Ergibt ebenfalls eine Liste saemtlicher PGP Keys; allerdings in einem erweiterten Format (-kvv) VERBOSE INDEX keyid Ergibt eine erweiterte Liste aller PGP Keys, welche die enthalten (-kvv) GET [1] Fordert den kompletten Key-Ring (in mehreren Teilen) ab. GET keyid Fordert den Schluessel der angegebenen ab. MGET regexp [2,3] Fordert alle Schluessel, die mit dem angegebenen regulaeren Ausdruck uebereinstimmen, ab. Der Aus- druck muss dabei laenger als ein Zeichen sein. LAST days [3] Fordert die Schluessel ab, die waehrend der letz- ten 'days' Tage aktualisiert/ergaenzt wurden, ab. -------------------------------------------------------------------------"


DFN-PCA: Signaturgesetz (SigG) / Europ?ische Gesetzgebung

DFN-PCA: Signaturgesetz (SigG) / Europ?ische Gesetzgebung: "Digitale Signatur: Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen

* Informationen zum Signaturgesetz (SigG)
o Die DFN-PCA im Spannungsfeld des SigGs
o Chronologie des Signaturgesetzes (SigG) / der Europ?ischen Signaturgesetzgebung (letzte Aktualisierung am 06.04.2005)
o Infos der Regulierungsbeh?rde
o Weitere Infos und Links zum SigG

* Europ?ische Gesetzgebung
o Aktuelles zur Europ?ischen Gesetzgebung

Stand: 22.11.2004"


AjaxTags - Overview

AjaxTags - Overview: "AjaxTags 1.1 Released!

Highlights and changes since 1.0 include:

* New tags:
o HTML Content Replace: load HTML from another resource directly into an area on your page
o Tabbed Page Views: similar to property pages
o Portlet: portlet-like capability
o Anchors: convert HTML anchors to AJAX capable links
o Area: AJAX any area on your pages (so they refresh internally)
o DisplayTag: similar to ajax:area tag, but specific to AJAX-ing DisplayTag
* More flexible XML structure
* Included sample servlet and Struts action classes
* Included helper classes to aid in building proper XML responses
* Now built to run on top of Prototype framework
* Override event hooks so you're not always restricted to onClick
* Ability to send multiple parameters on request
* Minor enhancements to code and documentation
* Numerous bug fixes
* View the complete list of changes in the Release Notes"

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


NLANR/DAST : Network Performance Advisor

NLANR/DAST : Network Performance Advisor: "Network Performance Advisor"


Network Monitoring Tools

Network Monitoring Tools


RockSaw Raw Socket Library

RockSaw Raw Socket Library: "RockSaw is a simple API for performing network I/O with raw sockets in Java"


Agent Based Network Monitoring - AJANTA

AJANTA: Home Page


Begrifflichkeiten - Business Intelligence

Begrifflichkeiten - it innovations: "Begrifflichkeiten"

Monday, November 07, 2005


Comparison of Project Management Tools

projectbench - Features


Bug/Issue Tracking Tools

Bug Tracking Collection

Bug tracking tools
To be added to the list or to update your entry, please e-mail us at:

1 +1CR by +1 Software Engineering Supports extensive problem report management capabilities
2. Aardvark by Red Gate Software Ltd Simple browser based tool to track and manage defects, bugs, issues and problems.
3. Abuky Bug tracking system (freeware)
4. AdminLog by ChougleSoft Free windows based bug tracker running SQL server database.
5. AceProject by Websystems Inc. Bug Tracking Software
6. AdminiTrack by AdminiTrack, Inc. Hosted Issue and Defect Tracking Application
7. Advanced Defect Tracking by Borderwave Software Designed for small and large software companies
8. Alcea Fast BugTrack by Alcea Technologies Ltd Web based defect tracking tool
9. AllChange 2000 by Intasoft Configuration/change management system
10. Axosoft's OnTime bug tracker Axosoft OnTime 2005 – Team-Based Bug/Fature/Task Management system for Windows, Web and VS.NET.
BitDesk by PTLogica
Scalable desktop-based bug tracking tool supporting multiple tab-organized products.
12. Bridge Track by Kemma Software Trouble ticket/tracking system for help desks, call centers
13. by Bugcentral Inc Web service. No software to install or download.
14. BugCollector Pro by Nesbitt Software Corporation Multi-user database designed for keeping track of software bugs and feature requests
15. Bug Cracker by Fe Software and Development Modular change request client server program
16. Bug/Defect Tracking Expert by Applied Innovation Management. Web-based bug and defect data tracking system
17. BugAware Bug Tracking System by Jackal Software
Web based bug tracking system and help desk solution for the company intranet.
18. Bugbase 2000 by Threerock Software Software defect tracking tool
19. BugBox Project management tool with prince2 workflow and free trial.
20. Buggit by Pierce Business Systems Manages bugs and features throughout the software development process.
21. Buggy by Novosys EDV GmbH A multiuser database program designed specifically for keeping track of bugs in your programs.
22. BugHost by Active-X.COM Free or subscription-based hosted bug tracking system
23. BugLink by the The PandaWave A client/server bug tracking environment
24. BugRat by Giant Java Tree Bug reporting and tracking system (freeware)
25. BUGtrack by SkyeyTech, Inc Web based defect tracking system
26. Bugtrack by Agstools Web based bug tracking system (freeware)
27. bugTracker Defect tracking solution written entirely in Java.
28. Bug Tracker Software by Bug Tracker Software Web-based bug tracking and defect data sharing system
29. BugVault Three view problem management tool based on FileMaker Pro
30. BugVisor by bugVisor Enterprise Change and Defect Management
31. Bugzero by WEBsina A web-based bug/issue tracking system
32. Bugzilla by Mozilla A defect dracking dystem
33. Census Bug Tracking and Defect Tracking by MetaQuest Software Inc. Bug tracking and defect tracking tool. VSS integration, workflow, notifications
34. Change Commander by Lightspeed Software Web based issue management
35. ChangeSynergy by Telelogic AB An entirely Web-based and fully integrated change request tracking and reporting system.
36. ClearDDTS by Rational Software Corporation Bug Tracking, Software Development, Defect and Change Management, for UNIX, from Rational.
37. ClearQuality by Amdocs Limited A complete product quality management system
38. ClearQuest by Rational Software Corporation Defect tracking for Windows, UNIX and the Web
39. CM+ by Neuma Technology Inc. CM+ Problem Tracking is an integrated component of the CM+ SCM/PM solution
40. cpTracker by Berthume Software. Complete contact, project, content management and bug tracking Solution
41. CustomerFirst by Repository Technologies, Inc Bug tracking and CRM software
42. Debian Bug Tracking System by Darren Benham (maintainer) Bug tracking system with a set of scripts which maintain a database of problem reports
43. Defect Agent by Inborne Technology Corporation Defect tracking software for software development teams.
44. Defect Manager by Tiera Software Web or Windows based bug tracking tool.
45. Defect Tracker by New Fire Tracks and organizes defect reports during the development process.
46. Defect Tracker by Pragmatic Software Company A project collaboration tool.
47. Defect Tracking System (DTS) by Open System Consultants A Web based defect and problem reporting and tracking system.
48. by defectX Web-based bug tracking tool
49. DevelopWise IMS by Korbitec Feature-rich incident management and defect-tracking
50. DevTrack by TechExcel, Inc A defect- and project-tracking tool designed specifically for software development teams.
51. Dragonfly by Vermont Software Testing Group Web-based Issue Tracking Software
52. d-Tracker by Empirix Web-based defect tracking tool
53. Easy Bug Tracker. Free web based bug tracking system
54. Eden Issue Tracker by Eden, Inc. Lotus Notes based bug and defect tracking solution
55. EQRP by Amadeus - Standards Compliance Solutions Software Solution helping companies to manage bug and corrective actions
56. Elementool by Elementool Inc. Web-based bug tracking and support management tool.
57. ExDesk Remotely hosted bug and issue tracking software.
58. ExtraView by Sesame Technology Web-based problem tracking system
59. Fast BugTrack A Web-based defect management system that is platform independent.
60. FogBUGZ by Fog Creek Software Web-based bug tracking system
61. JitterBug by Bug tracking system (freeware)
62. GNATS by GNU A set of tools for tracking bug reports. (freeware)
63. GRAN PM by GRAN Ltd. Java-based scalable and customizable bug tracking software
64. GTBug by Globetrotter Software Web based bug tracking tool for Windows and Unix systems.
65. Helis Bug tracking system (freeware)
66. icTracker by IC Soft, Inc. Web-based problem tracking and task management software
67. IMS by Web based bugtracker (freeware)
68. InControl by stag software private limited Web based defect tracking system
69. Issue Organizer by Solid Graphics Web-based bug tracking software
70. Issue Tracker Complete unlimited issue management and reporting as a web application service especially designed for bug tracking.
71. IssueView Configurable Windows software for tracking defects
72. ItemAxis Visual Basic DLL for building custom information management.
73. IT Tracker by Cowsultants Java J2EE issue tracking system designed to support multiple projects with independent user bases.
74. JIRA by Atlassian Software Systems Browser-based J2EE defect tracking and issue management tool
75. Just@Team.2002 Web-based tool fo process control of development and debugging of the software
76. Keystone Problem Tracking System by White Pajama, Inc. A web-based problem and ticket tracking tool for managing a small to medium sized IT department
77. Legendsoft Spots A web-based service order and defect tracking system for software development organizations and IT help desks.
78. Mantis Bug tracking system (freeware)
79. OmniTracker. Customizable workflow tool for bug tracking, quality assurance, help desks and call centers
80. Ozibug by Tortuga Technologies Web based bug tracking system, written entirely in Java and utilizing servlet technology
81. PARtrak Bug Tracking, Customer Support management and Sales Force Automation suite
82. Perfect Tracker by Avensoft Web-based help desk, bug tracking and customer support software
83. Problem Reporting System (PRS) by Testmasters, Inc A client/Server defect tracking tool that manages and tracks problem information during the project development life cycle
84. PR-Tracker by Softwise Company Bug tracking system for software project management
85. ProblemTracker by NetResults Corporation A Web-based, customizable, and cost-effective bug tracking and defect tracking system
86. ProFault by Weblication Ltd. Multiuser, web based, fault logging system
87. Projistics

Project Management and Collaboration Software
Projistics is web-based project management software that helps an organization in Quality Assurance as well. It can be used as Project Portfolio Software, Time Tracking Software, Collaboration Software, Bug Tracking Software, Task Management Software
88. ProjectBench Friendly project management with bug and issue tracking. ProjectBench is an open source web application.
89. ProjectPortal by Most Media Bug tracking and document repository for small to medium
90. PT BugTracker Web based bug tracking software
91. PVCS Tracker by MERANT Issue and change management communication tool, including bug and defect tracking.
92. QuickBugs by Excel Software A tool for tracking bugs, issues, changes and new features involved in product development
93. Radar by Cosmonet Solutions Web based solution to track, communicate, resolve and analyze defects in a software lifecycle
94. Razor by Visible Systems Corporation Configuration management system providing process management, issue/problem tracking, version control, and release management
95. RMTrack Bug Tracking A web-based bug tracking, issue tracking, and defect tracking and management application. Downloadable. Free 30-day trial.
96. Roundup by Issue-tracking system (freeware)
97. Scarab by CollabNet, Inc Issue / Defect tracking system (freeware)
98. SiberTrack The integrated workflow control, task and issue tracking component for teams using the SiberSafe family of products.
99. SilkRadar by Segue Software, Inc. A defect tracking product used to track and manage errors in your software projects.
100. Smarttracker General purpose, scalable issue tracking software which comes with built-in templates for software defect tracking
101. Software Planner by Pragmatic Software Company, Inc. Includes all the Defect Tracker features
102. SpeeDEV Web-based software and hardware development lifecycle process management software
103. Squish by Information Management Services, Inc Web-based issue tracking
104. Support Tracker by Acentre Web enabled help desk/ bug tracking application, one of the modules of the Tracker Suite software package.
105. SWBTracker by Software with Brains, Inc. Bug tracking and release management software for Windows
106. TaskPortal by TaskPortal Technologies Web based tool for tracking tasks, bugs, issues, collaborating with clients.
107. Team Tracker by HS Technologies Capture and manage information within a team environment
108. TeamTrack for Defect and Issue Management by TeamShare, Inc. Enterprise class change management solution platform to automate business processes
109. ThinMind Issue Tracking By Shift Technologies, Inc Hosted bug/request/issue tracking software for $10/user/month. Free 30-day trial!
110. TestTrack Pro by Seapine Software, Inc. Bug and defect tracking software for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Solaris
111. T-Plan Incident Manager by T-Plan Web and Client Defect Tracking Tool with or without integrated Test Management
112. TRACK by Soffront Software Bugs and defects tracking software for small businesses
113. TrackIt TrackIt is an open source issue tracking tool with full support for XP and FDD constructs. It has complete CVS and Subversion integration, along with a fully AJAX enabled user interface.
114. Tracker Bug tracker. (freeware)
115. TrackGear by LogiGear Corporation A web-based bug tracking system, requires Windows NT and MS SQL server as back end.
116. TrackRecord An enterprise-wide change request management, defect and project tracking tool.
117. TrackWeb Defects Windows and web based defect tracking solution.
118. TrackWise by Sparta Systems, Inc. Customizable bug and defect tracking software
119. Visual Bugz by Optimize Inc. Project-oriented, issue management, communication, and tracking tool
120 Visual Intercept by Elsinore Technologies, Inc. A bug-tracking system designed specifically for Microsoft tool users.
121 WebLight by Illumit L.L.C WebLight for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows offers people a practical way to find broken links, non-conforming HTML, and links between resources on websites.
122 WebPTS by Zambit Technologies, Inc Online software error tracking system.
123 ZeroDefect by ProStyle Software Inc. Issue management system

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